Branching Out

I have a confession to make: sometimes I don’t feel like posting about space. I know, this a shocking admission from a graduate student in Planetary Science. After all, grad students are supposed to live and breathe their topic of interest, right? Well, I still am really interested in space, but I’m also really interested in other stuff. For a long time now, I’ve struggled with the sometimes conflicting goals of posting stuff to the blog and posting stuff that I happen to think is really cool and interesting at the moment. For example, I’ll read a good fantasy novel that I want to tell people about, but then I’ll think: “But the blog is supposed to be about space exploration, isn’t it?” And then it doesn’t get posted.

It’s entirely possible, and I daresay likely, that you, my loyal readers, wouldn’t mind reading about non-space stuff if I posted it. But I’ve always felt a little guilty about straying from the nominal topic of the blog. Well, no more of that. With this post, I hereby give myself permission to post about whatever I please. This is the Martian Chronicles, not the Mars Chronicles, and this Martian sometimes wants to chronicle more than space news.

I’ll still post about space, of course. But don’t be surprised if you see an uptick in posts about other topics, especially sci-fi, fantasy, writing and other sciences.

Explore posts in the same categories: Not Mars

5 Comments on “Branching Out”

  1. Good on you! I enjoy your posts about Mars, but I think neither a blogger nor a graduate student should be a one-trick pony. I look forward to see what Martians read these days. Have you read “The Name of the Wind” by Patrick Rothfuss yet, for instance?


    • Ryan Says:

      I have indeed read The Name of the Wind! I really enjoyed it. It uses a lot of standard fantasy tropes but the writing and story are good enough to set it apart. I actually remarked out loud to my fiancee after reading the prologue at how well-written it was.

      Hmm, maybe now that I’ve given myself permission, I should go back and review some of the better books I’ve read in the last few years…

  2. Lucy Says:

    You could also just tack on a random cool photo or tidbit about space at the end of the non-space-related posts. They sometimes do that at (“all sauropod vertebrae, all the time” — I love it because it is so arcane). For example, their June 14 post is about whether electronic publication is valid for zoological nomenclature, but then they added an unrelated vertebra photo at the bottom to satisfy their primary mission.

  3. Kevin Says:

    More permissible blogging topics means more blogging, and I’m all for that. You’re one of my primary sources of information about cool stuff in the world, and definitely my primary source of book suggestions, and we all know you can never have too much cool stuff or too many book suggestions.

  4. Vickie Says:

    Post away my friend maybe you for sure reach the fantasy of the universe…:)

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