New Google Mars

Google Earth’s latest edition was just released and guess what? It has a Mars setting! There was a way to overlay Mars data on the Earth globe in previous versions, but now that’s no longer necessary: just click a button and you’re on Mars. You can choose from a variety of global maps including topography, Viking images, Day and nighttime infrared, and visible color. It also has footprints for high resolution cameras like HiRISE, CTX, MOC, CRISM, and HRSC, with links to the full-resolution images. And most exciting, it has 3D topography! Now you can fly around in Valles Marineris or check out the view from Olympus mons.

The view from the edge of the Olympus Mons caldera in Google Mars.

The view from the edge of the Olympus Mons caldera in Google Mars.

Olympus Mons dominates the horizon in this Google Mars view.

Olympus Mons dominates the horizon in this Google Mars view.

Another way-cool feature is the ability to zoom into panoramas taken by rovers and landers, as shown here for Opportunity.

The Opportunity rover's traverse. Each camera icon is a panorama that you can zoom into.

The Opportunity rover's traverse. Each camera icon is a panorama that you can zoom into.

Part of the Rub al-Khali panorama taken by the opportunity rover.

Part of the Rub al-Khali panorama taken by the opportunity rover.

And finally, you can load selected Context Camera images right onto the globe, to take a high-res look at areas of interest, such as the Olympia Fossae troughs shown here. I don’t know what’ you’re waiting for: go download the program and try this out for yourself!

CTX image of the Olympia Fossae troughs.

CTX image of the Olympia Fossae troughs.

Explore posts in the same categories: CRISM, Fun Stuff, HiRISE, MER, MGS, MOC, MRO, MSL, NASA, Opportunity, Phoenix, Pictures, Volcanoes

4 Comments on “New Google Mars”

  1. Parker Hayes Says:

    My interest is in ” Higgs Boson ” @ CERN…I retired when I turned 75

  2. Parker Hayes Says:

    My concern is “CERN ” on Higgs Boson

  3. Samir Says:

    I like the fourth picture I always have it in my mind..
    I even took picture similar to it but on earth of course

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